學校特別宣布 (一)

Special Announcement I

1. 鑑於近日新型冠狀病毒感染確診及懷疑個案增加,加上市民於春節期間較多外遊及探親,短期內可能會增加病毒在人口稠密環境傳播的風險,為保障學童的健康,教育局於 1 月 25 日宣布,全港學校(包括幼稚園、小學、中學及特殊學校)延長農曆新年假期至 2 月16 日止(即 2 月 17 日復課)。請家長每天定時閱覽本校網頁或學校 APP 之最新消息。
2. 在延長假期期間,本校在原定的上課日會保持校舍開放至下午 3:30,安排適量的教職員當值,以便照顧家中乏人照顧而需要回校的學童,在此情況下,請家長為有關學生預備午膳。至於原定的課外及課後活動(包括星期六活動)及家長工作坊/活動均會取消及作出適當調配。
3. 在延長假期期間,學童應盡量留在家中。教育局同時呼籲家長與學校發揮家校合作精神,妥善照顧子女,加倍注意環境及個人衞生,避免讓子女到人多擠迫的環境,減少感染疾病風險,請瀏覽網頁衛生防護中心之「健康資訊」欄。https://www.chp.gov.hk/tc/healthtopics/content/24/102466.html
4. 請家長鼓勵子女進入學校網頁「自學小天地」進行網上自學。
5. 請各位返回內地度假而在本港居住之同學,於 2 月 3 日或以前返港。校方建議有關同學在家自我隔離 14 天,特別留意身體狀況,為 2 月 17 日復課作好準備。



1 月 26 日


1. In view of an increase in the number of confirmed and suspected Novel Coronavirus infection cases and the increasing risk of the spread of the virus in crowded environment in a short period of time when people travel abroad and visit relatives during the Chinese New Year holidays, the Education Bureau announced on January 25 that all schools (including kindergartens, primary schools, secondary schools and special schools) will extend their Chinese New Year holidays to February 16 (i.e. class resumption on February 17) to safeguard students’ health. Please pay close attention to the latest news and arrangement through our School APP and School Webpage.
2. During the extended period of school holidays, our school will keep the premises open till 3:30 PM on the originally scheduled school days. We will arrange staff to be on duty to look after students who have to go back to school otherwise they would be unattended at home. In such cases, parents please prepare for their lunch. Furthermore, the school is going to cancel the scheduled internal and external activities (including activities on Saturdays) as well as Parents’ workshop and make appropriate re-arrangements later.
3. Students should stay at home as far as possible during the extended period of school holidays. The Education Bureau also calls on parents to enhance home-school co-operation and take proper care of their children, pay more attention to environmental and personal hygiene, and avoid allowing their children to go to overcrowded places so as to reduce the risk of infection. Please access the website of the Centre for Health Protection https://www.chp.gov.hk/en/healthtopics/content/24/102466.html for more details.
4. The school encourages students to make good use of the eLearning resources through our school webpage for self-learning.
5. Those local students going to China for Chinese Lunar New Year holidays are advised to return Hong Kong on or before February 3. Please pay special attention to the physical health at home for 14 days before the class resumption on February 17.
Thank you for your attention.


The Principal

January 26