2019-2020 跨學科課程



本校跨學科課程是以三年周期主題「保護環境 珍惜資源」為核心,本學年主題為「珍惜資源」,鼓勵學生多留意及關心身邊事物,一同肩負對環境保護及實踐珍惜資源的行動,並培養學生抗逆(Resilience)及同理(Empathy)素質。課程設計以科目及級別為本,聯繫學科知識及學生的學習經歷,擴闊學習空間,增強學習興趣和意義。


In order to enrich students’ learning experiences, widen students’ learning space and motivate students’ interest in learning, the theme of the Cross-subjects Curriculum this year is “Cherish the Resources”. We promote life-wide learning activities which integrated with varies learning activities to develop students’ self-directed learning ability and put emphasis on self-regulating learning attitude as well.


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