「同根同心遊學團 – 佛山及廣州的嶺南文化之旅」


本校參加了由教育局主辦的香港初中及高小學生內地交流計劃之「佛山及廣州的嶺南文化之旅」,40 名四至六年級同學於 2019 年 12 月 13 至 14 日到佛山及廣州進行交流活動。當中參觀了粵劇活動中心、廣東省博物館、廣東石灣陶瓷博物館、南風古灶及佛山祖廟等地方。通過是次遊學團,同學認識及了解嶺南文化,更提升了自理能力及與人相處的技巧,真是獲益良多!


The Education Bureau organizes a Mainland exchange programme, a trip to Foshan and Guangzhou, which aims at providing different learning experiences for students to deepen their understanding of the history, culture, custom as well as urban/rural developments in the Mainland. Our students joined the tour from 13th to 14th December 2019 and learned about the ancient Lingnan architectural styles and Lingnan traditional art.


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