2021 – 2022 跨學科課程



本校跨學科課程是以三年周期配合STEM教育為核心,本學年主題為「科技與生活」,透過運用跨學科知識與技能解決生活問題,培養學生創意思維、解難、協作及溝通能力,對科技世界的好奇心,了解科學與科技發展對社會的影響。 課程設計以級別為本,聯繫學科知識及學生的學習經歷,擴闊學習空間,增強學習興趣和意義。

Activities photos

In order to enrich students’learning experiences, widen students’learning space and motivate students’interest in learning, the theme of the Cross-subjects Curriculum this year is “Technology and Living”. The curriculum is aimed at enhancing students’ability to integrate and apply knowledge and skills to solve authentic problems. Through the learning activities, we would like to nurture students’creativity, collaboration and problem-solving skills and cultivate students’ curiosity in Science and Technology and understand the impact of science and technological development on society.